02 February 2006

Visitors spend more on travel than lodging

Iowa State officials say visitors to Iowa's welcome centers spent more money on travel than lodging last year -- a possible effect of high gas prices.

The average welcome center visitor spent about 208 dollars a day while visiting Iowa, according to a survey conducted last year by the state's welcome centers. That's up about one-point-four percent from the previous year.Transportation spending, which includes gasoline, was up six dollars and 57 cents per day, while spending for overnight lodging fell by two dollars and 79 cents per day.

The majority of travelers came from within Iowa and surrounding states. Trips averaged four days, about the same as last year. Vacationers made up 47 percent of the travelers surveyed -- the largest traveler segment.The Davis City Welcome Center, near the Missouri border south of Des Moines, was the busiest, with more than 34 thousand travel parties visiting.

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