And so it has been for many of my friends who for years have been used to getting at least 50% more punch from their pound. Nonetheless, Reuters reports that the Great British public has not followed the American trend of the "stay-cation" (thankfully, because I would go crazy if one of my mates mentioned his stay-cation while we were in a bar). There has been just a 1% decrease in bookings abroad in comparison to last year, and that is also down to another talent the English have: bargain hunting.
So what if the GBP is at a low in comparison to the Euro? All you have to do is simply avoid destinations in the Eurozone. That is not to say that it is expensive everywhere in the Eurozone. There are still countries that recently joined where you still get more for your hard earned money (take Poland for example). At the same time this can be viewed as an opportunity. An opportunity to take a trip to a place you hadn't thought of going in the past. Leave the continent behind and embark on a trip a bit further East, North or South. It might even be worth it to try further West (the dollar is not doing great).
So maybe you won't be "following the herd", like the Blur song says, but pick a more interesting destination...
You think the pound has had it bad, look at the dollar..jeez
I feel your pain, but that's why I recommend people in the UK go for a holiday in the states.
If you're in the states there is always South America. Or you can go for North Africa or the Near East too.
Hope things turn up for us all...
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